Contact Us

Our staff generally work regular business hours on weekdays. However, many of our staff conduct site visits or work out of the office, so call first to ensure someone is available and schedule your visit.

Staff Contact Information

For individual staff bios visit the Staff page.

District ManagerBrenda 503.871.7311
Ag Conservation PlannerBecky 503.949.1518
Natural Areas Conservation PlannerChelsea 503.979.9747
Urban Areas Conservation PlannerKassi Roosthkassi.roosth@marionswcd.net971.382.2000
Native & Invasive Plant SpecialistSarah 503.949.6832
Grants CoordinatorSusan Ortizsusan.ortiz@marionswcd.net503.871.4760
Financial AdministratorLinda 503.949.9212
Administrative AssistantTom Wilsontom.wilson@marionswcd.net971.600.6657
Multi-County Riparian TechnicianRachel Katorachel@yamhillswcd.org971.241.9479

Contact Form

Not sure who to contact? Use this form and we will put you in touch with the right person. (Must press submit to finalize submission.)

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Visit Us

Our office is located at 408 N Third Ave., Stayton, OR. Parking is available on Third Ave. or in our parking lot behind the building, which can be accessed from 4th Ave.

We hope you will stop by for a visit. Please call ahead to make sure staff are available to greet you. Our staff often work remotely, which allows Marion SWCD to reduce our environmental footprint and take advantage of other documented benefits of providing a work from home option.

© Marion Soil and Water Conservation District. All Rights Reserved.