Volunteer Opportunity: Serve as a Budget Committee Member. 1-2 meetings/yr, 3 yr term. Apply now>>>
Request For Proposals Due April 10 2025: ADA Compliant Bathroom Renovation. Submit Proposal Here>>>
The first Budget Committee Meeting for the FY 2023-2024 budget is schedule for April 12, 2023 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.
ORS 294 requires public taxing entities to prepare a budget consistent with Oregon Local Budget Law.
As a special district in the state of Oregon, Marion SWCD must hold at least one public meeting to review and approve the upcoming year’s budget. The Budget Committee consists of Marion SWCD’s Directors as well as local registered voters appointed by the Board. Non-board director committee members are elected to three-year terms.
Marion SWCD’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30, so the Budget Committee meets prior to the new fiscal year, usually in April or May. At the Budget Committee meeting, members review the proposed budget submitted by the Budget Officer and either approve it as proposed or modify it. If you would like to serve on Marion SWCD’s Budget Committee, click the button below.
Visit the Meeting Minutes page to view previous years’ Budget Committee Meeting minutes.
Visit the Plans and Reports page to view this and previous years’ adopted budgets.