Volunteer Opportunity: Serve as a Budget Committee Member. 1-2 meetings/yr, 3 yr term. Apply now>>>
Request For Proposals Due April 10 2025: ADA Compliant Bathroom Renovation. Submit Proposal Here>>>
This event is an opportunity for landowners, farmers, and other commercial pesticide users throughout the region to rid storage facilities of unwanted or unused pesticide products for free. It also keeps these products out of the environment and local waterways. This will be the last collection event in the northern Willamette Valley until fall 2023.We have collected over 27,416 lbs. of unwanted or unusable pesticides in 2022.
Registration is required by Oct. 3, 2022. See the Mt. Angel event brochure for details.
To register, complete an application and inventory sheets, available at https://oda.direct/PSP