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If you live in the Willamette Valley, you may have heard the warnings of the dreaded Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis), which was recently found in Oregon. The first documented sighting was in July of 2022 in a parking lot in Forest Grove. This is the first confirmed Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation west of Colorado. EAB is a pest that has decimated ash trees in the eastern parts of the US since its initial detection in 2002. And now it has found its way here. As of August of 2024, EAB has been confirmed in Yamhill, Marion, and Clackamas counties.
EAB is native to Asia, and it is thought to have been introduced here via wood shipping crates. It infests all species of ash trees, where it lays eggs, which then feed on the inner bark and phloem of the tree, causing rapid crown decline and, ultimately, death of the entire tree. Larvae overwinter in the bark of the ash tree and emerge as adults in late spring. The exit holes of the adults are distinct in that they leave a small “D” shape in the bark of the tree. Depending on weather conditions, from May to October, the adults emerge. Most infest the same or nearby trees, but a few may be able to fly up to ten miles to infest new trees.
Not necessarily. While there is a risk of spending a lot of money on ash trees that may likely be killed by the EAB, we are also facing the threat of losing our native ash species entirely if we don’t try to continue to repopulate and save seeds of the trees for future plantings. EAB is known to attack Oregon ash trees at almost every stage of life, from saplings to mature trees. It is important to protect the most vigorous mature ash trees to continue the genetic spread of this tree despite the mortality from EAB. There have been success stories of young ash trees that were planted after the EAB infestation on the East Coast that are still surviving today. Native ash trees may be able to build resistance to the pest, or outlive the infestation, if we continue to plant them.
Although there are no trees that exactly mimic Oregon’s native ash, Fraxinus latifolia, alternative trees can provide similar benefits to the riparian ecosystems where Oregon Ash are most commonly found. It is always important to plant a diverse selection of native trees, shrubs, and forbs for best success.
The loss of this native tree species may lead to a number of impacts on environmental and human health.
Prevention is possible in some cases. Here are some methods to try to save ash trees:
It is important to always plant for biodiversity in any natural or urban area to provide resilience against pests and disease that disproportionately impact a particular species. This helps the ecosystem bounce back from disturbance and allows for wildlife to better adapt.
Research into the prevention, treatment and restoration of ash species has been constant since EAB’s US introduction in 2002. The Midwest region of the country has faced the brunt of this invasion and have been able to provide an abundance of scientific information to help us plan for the impacts of EAB. Now that the pest is here in Oregon, we have resources to guide the use of best management practices to help us protect our native ash trees.
As of February 2025, Oregon Debarment of Forestry and Oregon Department of Agriculture in collaboration with other partners have updated a hub website to gather the most important information pertaining to the EAB infestation in Oregon. We encourage anyone who wants to learn more about EAB to start there: Oregoneab.org
My passion for conservation is rooted in my experiences growing up camping and backpacking every summer since I was young. My favorite activities always involve being outside, whether I am hiking, snowboarding, or biking, I love to explore as much natural beauty as possible. I help Marion County residents improve the health and productivity of their land as the Conservation Planner for natural areas.