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Mid-Willamette Outreach Group

MWOG partners (City of Keizer, City of Salem, Marion County, and Marion Soil & Water Conservation District) collaborate to provide water quality outreach and inspire behaviors that result in healthy
streams and communities.

We coordinate virtual and in-person learning opportunities to help everyone connect with the precious waters of the Willamette Valley.

Our River is a multi-pronged outreach campaign of Mid-Willamette Outreach Group. The Willamette River is our river to protect and enjoy; as residents of the mid-Willamette Valley, what we do in the watershed impacts the quality and quantity of water available, which in return impacts our own vitality. Through Our River events, everyone is invited to connect with the Willamette in fun and thoughtful ways.

Our River Goals

  • Actively connect residents to the Willamette River through ongoing adventures and opportunities that put people in, on or near the water,
  • Reduce the barriers of participation by providing activities at low or no cost, and providing needed supplies.
  • Provide participants with the opportunity to build pride in our Willamette River and our community.
  • Provide opportunities to serve and steward the Willamette River.

Our River Activities 2025

May 10
9-11:30 am
Learn to Fish at Keizer Rapids ParkLearn the basic skills needed to begin fishing in urban fisheries. Keizer Police Department, Marion SWCD, Marion County Sherriff Marine Patrol, Oregon State Marine Board, Oregon Department of Fish and WildlifeSalem NW Steelheaders
June 6 & 7Free Fishing WeekendVisit the ODFW webpage for details.Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
July 16
Learn to Kayak at Keizer Rapids ParkLearn how to safely kayak and canoe. Space is limited!Oregon State ParksOregon State Marine Board and Oregon Kayak Tours, Polk and Marion County Sherriff Marine Patrol, Willamette Riverkeeper
TBDRiver Clean-upsRiver clean-ups with Willamette RiverkeeperWillamette Riverkeeper, City of Salem, City of Keizer Trashy Tuesdays
4-7 pm
Stream Celebration at Pringle City Park Pringle City Park 606 Church St SE, SalemPlay games, make crafts, practice science! Learn about local waterways and the services they provide for humans and wildlife. MWOG, OSU, Salem Environmental Education & more!

Erosion Control Summit

The Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Summit is for builders, developers, planners, architects, contractors, engineers, landscapers, and municipal staff and crews. This one-day summit is held in late January. Participants learn techniques in construction erosion prevention, green stormwater infrastructure maintenance, permit updates, impacts of pollution from stormwater runoff, and more. Registration link will be posted here when available.

Click here to sign up to receive email updates and notifications about registration dates, pricing, speakers, presentations, and more for the annual Erosion Control & Stormwater Management Summit.

Water Festival

This one-day festival usually takes place in May and provides an educational opportunity to students from a different participating school each year. Activities center around watershed health and water quality.

A graphic with a sunburst design in back, and a few circles with info about the Stream Celebration: Thursday, August 22 at Pringle City Park. Free! Science! Crafts! Games! Fair from 4-7 pm, Movie: UPRIVER from 7-8:30 pm. RSVP for movie at

Stream Celebration

Water Fair & Movie Showing

Mid Willamette Outreach Group* is hosting a Stream Celebration Water Fair at Pringle City Park on Thursday, August 22, 4-7 pm, followed by a showing of the movie Upriver starting at 7 pm in Pringle Hall Community Center. Come to one or both parts of this free community event!

The Stream Celebration is an all-ages family-friendly fair with water/watershed/aquatic ecology activity stations. The goal of the event is to actively connect residents with the Willamette River and to build pride in our shared river and community.

Attendees will visit stations to learn about water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrates, salmonids, riparian habitats, and how to take action to support healthy watersheds. This is a move-at-your-own pace, hands-on,  free-choice learning event. We hope you will join us and get to know our local waterways better!

Water Fair

  • 4-7 pm
  • hands-on learning stations around Pringle City Park
  • free and open to all!


  • 7-8:30 pm
  • Inside Pringle Hall Community Center
  • UPRIVER is a ‘watershed film’ that explores one of the Nation’s most active river conservation movements. Within Oregon’s Willamette River system, the film focuses on people from all walks of life who are coming together to revive the health of this large river and the life it supports. Learn more>>>
  • Free, but space is limitedRSVP required!

Social Media Campaigns

Campaign to share tips for safe and healthy lawn from lawn experts.

A month-long challenge to take actions to help the earth.

MWOG Partners

Click on a partner’s button to visit their website.

City of Keizer logo

City of Keizer

Learn more about the City of Keizer.

City of Salem

Learn more about the City of Salem.

Marion County logo

Marion County

Learn more about Marion County.

Heath holding a bowl of ice cream
Heath Keirstead
Communications and Education Specialist
© Marion Soil and Water Conservation District. All Rights Reserved.