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Event Calendar

Heath Keirstead

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  3. Heath Keirstead
Events from this organizer

Salmon Watch Volunteer Training

Packsaddle County Park 34519 N Santiam Hwy, Gates, Oregon, United States

Salmon Watch is a place-based, experiential field trip that introduces students to local watersheds and the salmon that inhabit them. The field trip are about 4 hours long and are scheduled for mid-September to mid-October.Volunteers are essential to Salmon Watch! Each volunteer leads one of these field stations:Salmon Biology: Help students understand what they are


Salmon Watch Volunteer Training

Packsaddle County Park 34519 N Santiam Hwy, Gates, Oregon, United States

Salmon Watch is a place-based, experiential field trip that introduces students to local watersheds and the salmon that inhabit them. The field trip are about 4 hours long and are scheduled for mid-September to mid-October.Volunteers are essential to Salmon Watch! Each volunteer leads one of these field stations:Salmon Biology: Help students understand what they are

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