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Oak savannas

Plant Database
Light green cluster of winged seeds (samaras) of Norway Maple
Norway Maple
Acer platanoides
a bee on a lavender flower, flowers are arranged in an umbel on short stalks that emerge from a central core.
Tapertip Allium
Allium acuminatum
whole columbine plant with red flowers rising above foliage
Red Columbine
Aquilegia formosa
whole madrone tree
Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
The delicate, dusty pink starburst flowers of showy milkweed
Showy Milkweed
Asclepias speciosa
Crown Brodiaea
Brodiaea coronaria
a cluster of purple flowers, each with 6 petals, atop a leafless stalk
Dichelostemma congestum
Oblong tapered leaf with serated edges
Cutleaf Teasel
Dipsacus laciniatus
whole plant with flowers
Arrowleaf Buckwheat
Eriogonum compositum
a small blue green bunch grass in a rounded mound
California Fescue
Festuca californica var. californica
sunflower family yellow flower with brown center
Blanket Flower
Gaillardia aristata
an oceansprayshrub in bloom
Holodiscus discolor
White petaled iris flowers with yellow throats and reddish brown veins.
Yellowleaf Iris
Iris chrysophylla
dangling small white flowers
Oemleria cerasiformis
a characteristic carrot family umbel of small white flowers with an orange and black butterfly visitor
Oregon Yampah
Perideridea oregana
close up of mock orange flowers, white, 4-petalled
Mock Orange
Philadelphus lewisii
Cascara Rhamnus purshiana Stem with large green oval opposite leaves and small red berries
Rhamnus purshiana
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