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Broadleaf Tree

Plant Database
Vine Maple, Acer circinatum, Stem with green vine maple leaves
Vine Maple
Acer circinatum
Big Leaf Maple Crown
Bigleaf Maple
Acer macrophyllum
Light green cluster of winged seeds (samaras) of Norway Maple
Norway Maple
Acer platanoides
White flowers with pinkish spots growing in a terminal cluster.
Horse Chestnut
Aesculus hippocastanum
a cluster of reddish brown samaras.
Tree of Heaven
Ailanthus altissima
A full white alder tree in a neighborhood. Tree is probably 20-30' tall with a full yet narrow canopy.
White Alder
Alnus rhombifolia
whole madrone tree
Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
water birch leaf - serrate edge
Water Birch
Betula occidentalis
Crataegus suksdorfii, a triploid form, Castlegar BC, Canada
Suksdorf’s Hawthorn
Crataegus x suksdorfii
Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia Large ogblong smooth leaves
Oregon Ash
Fraxinus latifolia
a stand of tall thin closely packed trees
Quaking Aspen
Populus tremuloides
Shiny, heart shaped leaves of black cottonwood
Black Cottonwood
Populus trichocarpa
clusters of small white flowers will become small fruits
Prunus virginiana
Cascara Rhamnus purshiana Stem with large green oval opposite leaves and small red berries
Rhamnus purshiana
Linear to lance shaped grey green willow leaves
Pacific Willow
Salix lucida var. lasiandra
Leathery, smooth linear leaves and small ball-like spherical inflorescence clusters
California Bay Laurel
Umbellularia californica
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