Volunteer Opportunity: Serve as a Budget Committee Member. 1-2 meetings/yr, 3 yr term. Apply now>>>

Request For Proposals Due April 10 2025: ADA Compliant Bathroom Renovation.  Submit Proposal Here>>>


Plant Database

Orange Hawkweed Hieracium aurantiacum Orange and Yellow flowers
Orange Hawkweed
Hieracium aurantiacum
Stem with yellow flowers and poofy seed head
Meadow Hawkweed
Hieracium pratense or caespitosum or Pilosella caespitosa
an oceansprayshrub in bloom
Holodiscus discolor
a patch of meadow barley with reddish brown inflorescences
Meadow Barley
Hordeum brachyantherum
Long (aquatic) roots and long stem with many small green leaves
Hydrilla verticillata
leaves and flower of waterleaf
Pacific waterleaf
Hydrophyllum tenuipes
Close up of several yellow 5 petaled flowers
St. Johnswort
Hypericum perforatum
Policeman’s Helmet Impatiens glandulifera Several purple and white flowers on small stems
Policeman’s Helmet
Impatiens glandulifera
White petaled iris flowers with yellow throats and reddish brown veins.
Yellowleaf Iris
Iris chrysophylla
purple iris flowers with yellow and white center veins
Douglas Iris
Iris douglasiana
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