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Plant Database

Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla Branch with flattish green pine needles
Western Hemlock
Tsuga heterophylla
Streambank with layer of large green heart shaped leaves
Tussilago farfara
Small Green shub with bunches of small yellow flowers
Ulex europaeus
Leathery, smooth linear leaves and small ball-like spherical inflorescence clusters
California Bay Laurel
Umbellularia californica
Inside-Out Flower Vancouveria hexandra Large bushy green leaves with stalks of small white flowers
Inside-Out Flower
Vancouveria hexandra
Elliptic leaves with longitudinal to arcuate venation, few woody stems, flowers in white clusters.
Oregon Viburnum
Viburnum ellipticum
field of green fava beans planted as cover crop
Fava Bean
Vicia faba
Vigna unguiculata
lance shaped waxy green leaves with five petaled purple, white centered flowers
Vinca major / Vinca minor
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