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Full shade

Plant Database
New growth of needles
Grand Fir
Abies grandis
Stem with ball cluster of unopened flowers
Acaena novae-zelandiae
Vine Maple, Acer circinatum, Stem with green vine maple leaves
Vine Maple
Acer circinatum
an understory patch of vanilla leaf with robust triangular leaves and spikes of tiny white flowers emerging from the center.
Vanilla Leaf
Achlys triphylla
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata Small plant with green heart shaped leaves
Garlic Mustard
Alliaria petiolata
a bee on a lavender flower, flowers are arranged in an umbel on short stalks that emerge from a central core.
Tapertip Allium
Allium acuminatum
a carpet of kinnikinnick in bloom
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
heart shaped ginger leaves
Wild Ginger
Asarum caudatum
loosely arranged compound leaves of lady fern with deeply dissected leaflets
Lady Fern
Athyrium filix-femina
holly like leaves and cluster of small yellow flowers
Tall Oregon Grape
Berberis aquifolium
deer fern fronds viewed from above
Deer Fern
Blechnum spicant
close up leaf edges
False Brome
Brachypodium sylvaticum
three fuzzy white pointy-tipped petals tinged with purple at center
Mariposa Lily
Calochortus tolmiei
Crataegus suksdorfii, a triploid form, Castlegar BC, Canada
Suksdorf’s Hawthorn
Crataegus x suksdorfii
Showy Fleabane
Erigeron speciosus
Oregon Fawn Lily
Erythronium oreganum
Three pink nodding flowers with mottled lance shaped basal leaves
Pink Fawn-Lily
Erythronium revolutum
a few small pinkish to cream "flowers" on underside of leaves
Western Wahoo
Euonymus occidentalis
leathery leaves and deep blue-black fruits that dangle from red stems
Gaultheria shallon
small five-petaled pink flower above fern like foliage
Herb Robert
Geranium robertianum
a palmate leaf with toothed edge
Largeleaf Avens
Geum macrophyllum
Sprays of dainty pinkish white, bell-shaped flowers along rosy stems above mounded rosettes of evergreen leaves.
Crevice Alumroot
Heuchera micrantha
leaves and flower of waterleaf
Pacific waterleaf
Hydrophyllum tenuipes
Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon Groundcover of green and white varigated leaves
Yellow Archangel
Lamiastrum galeobdolon
the ornamemtal orange tiger lily flower with reddish brown freckles
Columbia Lily
Lilium columbianum
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