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Nutrient rich soil

Plant Database
Leathery, smooth linear leaves and small ball-like spherical inflorescence clusters
California Bay Laurel
Umbellularia californica
checkered yellow and brown/purple flowers nod downwards from gracefully curving stems.
Chocolate Lily
Fritillaria affinis
the ornamemtal orange tiger lily flower with reddish brown freckles
Columbia Lily
Lilium columbianum
Aster, Douglas Symphyotrichum subspicatum Several daisy like purple flowers
Douglas Aster
Symphyotrichum subspicatum
Evergreen heart-shaped leaves with crenate margins and yellow violet flowers
Evergreen Violet
Viola sempervirens
Three lobed triangular leaves with a spike of tiny flowers on a stalk rising above
Tiarella trifoliata
Fringecup Tellima grandiflora Tall stalk of small like bellshaped flowers
Tellima grandiflora
Inside-Out Flower Vancouveria hexandra Large bushy green leaves with stalks of small white flowers
Inside-Out Flower
Vancouveria hexandra
Italian Thistle Carduus pycnocephalus Stalk with long spiky leaves and green spiky unopened flower pod
Italian Thistle
Carduus pycnocephalus
Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica Large green bushy shrub with tall stalks of opposite heart shaped leaves
Fallopia/Polygonum spp.
Small yellow flower
Large-Flower Primrose Willow
Ludwigia grandiflora ssp. grandiflora
Milk Thistle Silybum marianum Purple tuft on top of spiky small leaved stalk
Milk Thistle
Silybum marianum
Oregon Fawn Lily
Erythronium oreganum
a characteristic carrot family umbel of small white flowers with an orange and black butterfly visitor
Oregon Yampah
Perideridea oregana
Three pink nodding flowers with mottled lance shaped basal leaves
Pink Fawn-Lily
Erythronium revolutum
waxy lanceolate foliage and small white flower panicles
Ligustrum vulgare
Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla Branch with flattish green pine needles
Western Hemlock
Tsuga heterophylla
heart shaped ginger leaves
Wild Ginger
Asarum caudatum
Two spiky flower heads, on spiky stems, with yellow flower
Yellow Starthistle
Centaurea solstitialis
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