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Drought tolerant

Plant Database
Whole yarrow plant with feathery leaves and flat white flower tops
Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium
an understory patch of vanilla leaf with robust triangular leaves and spikes of tiny white flowers emerging from the center.
Vanilla Leaf
Achlys triphylla
a bee on a lavender flower, flowers are arranged in an umbel on short stalks that emerge from a central core.
Tapertip Allium
Allium acuminatum
whole madrone tree
Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
a carpet of kinnikinnick in bloom
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
a patch of mugwort with thin leaved green foliage along upright non-woody stems
Douglas’ Sagewort
Artemisia douglasiana
Tight clusters of small dusky rose flowers and thin green leaves
Narrowleaf Milkweed
Asclepias fascicularis
The delicate, dusty pink starburst flowers of showy milkweed
Showy Milkweed
Asclepias speciosa
Coyote Brush covered in small white flowers
Chaparral Broom
Baccharis pilularis
an attractive evergreen shrub; low growing with clusters of white flowers at tips.
Ceanothus velutinus
a cluster of purple flowers, each with 6 petals, atop a leafless stalk
Dichelostemma congestum
Showy Fleabane
Erigeron speciosus
bluish green dissected foliage topped with yellow disk and ray flowers
Oregon Sunshine
Eriophyllum lanatum
a few small pinkish to cream "flowers" on underside of leaves
Western Wahoo
Euonymus occidentalis
a small blue green bunch grass in a rounded mound
California Fescue
Festuca californica var. californica
Sprays of dainty pinkish white, bell-shaped flowers along rosy stems above mounded rosettes of evergreen leaves.
Crevice Alumroot
Heuchera micrantha
an oceansprayshrub in bloom
Holodiscus discolor
White petaled iris flowers with yellow throats and reddish brown veins.
Yellowleaf Iris
Iris chrysophylla
purple iris flowers with yellow and white center veins
Douglas Iris
Iris douglasiana
pink honeysuckle flowers and fused opposite leaves
Hairy Honeysuckle
Lonicera hispidula
holly like leaves and cluster of small yellow flowers
Tall Oregon Grape
Mahonia aquifolium
long thin leaves, almost willow like.
Pacific Wax Myrtle
Morella californica
Tubular purple flowers
Cascade Penstemon
Penstemon serrulatus
close up of mock orange flowers, white, 4-petalled
Mock Orange
Philadelphus lewisii
Cascara Rhamnus purshiana Stem with large green oval opposite leaves and small red berries
Rhamnus purshiana
Pacific Rhododendron Rhododendron macrophyllum Stem with large glossy leaves and a cluster of small pinkish flowers
Pacific Rhododendron
Rhododendron macrophyllum
a pink five petaled rose flower with small toothed leaves
Baldhip Rose
Rosa gymnocarpa
a cluster of many small blue fruits
Blue Elderberry
Sambucus caerulea
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