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Produces berries

Plant Database
whole madrone tree
Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
a carpet of kinnikinnick in bloom
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
holly like leaves and cluster of small yellow flowers
Tall Oregon Grape
Berberis aquifolium
leathery leaves and deep blue-black fruits that dangle from red stems
Gaultheria shallon
pink honeysuckle flowers and fused opposite leaves
Hairy Honeysuckle
Lonicera hispidula
the black twin berries of Black Twinberry
Black Twinberry
Lonicera involucrata
long thin leaves, almost willow like.
Pacific Wax Myrtle
Morella californica
dangling small white flowers
Oemleria cerasiformis
clusters of small white flowers will become small fruits
Prunus virginiana
Cascara Rhamnus purshiana Stem with large green oval opposite leaves and small red berries
Rhamnus purshiana
Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus Palmate Green leaves with bright red round berry
Rubus parviflorus
a cluster of many small blue fruits
Blue Elderberry
Sambucus mexicana ssp. cerulea
Blue Elderberry Sambucus caerulea Medium Tree with long green opposite leaves
Red Elderberry
Sambucus racemosa
Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Oval smooth green leaves with pink flowers and red berries
Symphoricarpos albus
Leathery, smooth linear leaves and small ball-like spherical inflorescence clusters
California Bay Laurel
Umbellularia californica
Elliptic leaves with longitudinal to arcuate venation, few woody stems, flowers in white clusters.
Oregon Viburnum
Viburnum ellipticum
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