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Plant Database
New growth of needles
Grand Fir
Abies grandis
Noble Fir
Abies procera
Vine Maple, Acer circinatum, Stem with green vine maple leaves
Vine Maple
Acer circinatum
Big Leaf Maple Crown
Bigleaf Maple
Acer macrophyllum
whole madrone tree
Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
Coyote Brush covered in small white flowers
Chaparral Broom
Baccharis pilularis
holly like leaves and cluster of small yellow flowers
Tall Oregon Grape
Berberis aquifolium
water birch leaf - serrate edge
Water Birch
Betula occidentalis
Sprays of flat scale-like leaves.
Calocedrus decurrens
Crataegus suksdorfii, a triploid form, Castlegar BC, Canada
Suksdorf’s Hawthorn
Crataegus x suksdorfii
leathery leaves and deep blue-black fruits that dangle from red stems
Gaultheria shallon
an oceansprayshrub in bloom
Holodiscus discolor
pink honeysuckle flowers and fused opposite leaves
Hairy Honeysuckle
Lonicera hispidula
the black twin berries of Black Twinberry
Black Twinberry
Lonicera involucrata
long thin leaves, almost willow like.
Pacific Wax Myrtle
Morella californica
dangling small white flowers
Oemleria cerasiformis
close up of mock orange flowers, white, 4-petalled
Mock Orange
Philadelphus lewisii
a shrub with peeling bark and white flower clusters
Pacific Ninebark
Physocarpus capitatus
Very old and large Sitka Spruce
Sitka Spruce
Picea sitchensis
Needles grow in groups of 2 alternately along the stem and 1-1/8 to 2-7/8 inches (3 to 6 cm) in length with a cute little cone pointing down
Lodgepole Pine
Pinus contorta var. latifolia
a stand of tall thin closely packed trees
Quaking Aspen
Populus tremuloides
clusters of small white flowers will become small fruits
Prunus virginiana
Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Huge single evergreen tree
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Cascara Rhamnus purshiana Stem with large green oval opposite leaves and small red berries
Rhamnus purshiana
Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus Palmate Green leaves with bright red round berry
Rubus parviflorus
a cluster of many small blue fruits
Blue Elderberry
Sambucus mexicana ssp. cerulea
Blue Elderberry Sambucus caerulea Medium Tree with long green opposite leaves
Red Elderberry
Sambucus racemosa
Oval, somewhat dentate leaves and a cluster of small white, fuzzy-looking flowers
Birchleaf Spirea
Spiraea betulifolia
Douglas Spirea Spiraea douglasii Single Spire of bunches of small purple flowers
Douglas Spirea
Spiraea douglasii
Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Oval smooth green leaves with pink flowers and red berries
Symphoricarpos albus
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