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Cutleaf Teasel

Dipsacus laciniatus

Plant Description

A biennial forb with a large taproot, and many small white flowers in terminal heads, enveloped by spiny bracts. Deeply lobed leaves create fused cups that collect rainwater on prickly flowering stalks.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height up to 7'
Distribution Known populations exisit in Southern Oregon
Control belowground cutting is most effective just before the plant flowers.
Disposal Methods Dispose of cut stems in sealed bags because they may still produce viable seeds.
Reproduction and Spread Seeds are dispersed by animals and water. They are also dispesred by human collection and use of dried teasel flower heads.
Introduced Introduced from Europe in the 1700s.
Look Alikes Common teasel
Impact Forms large stands that outcompete desirable vegetation and negatively impact riparian areas.
More Info
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