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Ulex europaeus

Plant Description

A perennial, spiny, evergreen shrub with 3 thin leaflets with terminal thorn. Stiff and angular branches, yellow pea-like flowers.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 10-15' tall, up to 30' in diameter
Distribution Mainly found in Oregon along the coast in Coos, Curry, and Lane Counties. Also scattered throughout western Oregon.
Control Hand pull small infestations, removing entire plant; establishment of competitive pasture/forest tree/crops can resist invasions; goats can control seedlings and chickens eat forst seeds, destroying them as they are digested.
Reproduction and Spread Reproduces by seed and vegetatively. Seeds viable for 30 years.
Introduced Introduced from Europe in 1890s as an ornamental plant.
Look Alikes Scotch broom, other brooms
Impact Grows rapidly, crowding out native plants, invading wildllife habitats, and impacting forest production.Highly flammable - extreme fire hazard.
More Info
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