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Iberian Starthistle

Centaurea iberica

Plant Description

Annual or biennial knapweed covered in fine hairs with narrow linear leaves. White, pink, or purple flower heads surrounded by straw-colored spines >1 in long.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 1-6'
Distribution May be found in Disturbed sites and overgrazed rangelands. Althought the plant has been foundn in eastern Oregon, it is currently considered to be eradicated.
Control Prevention is the best strategy. Clean off your clothing, animals, vehicles and gear if you have moved through an infested area. For small infestations, hand grubbing should be repeated several times a year. Mowing, burning and grazing are not effective.
Reproduction and Spread Seeds spread by clothing, livestock, vehicles, equip,ment, and contaminated hay and crop seed.
Introduced native to Asia, India and south-eastern Europe.
Look Alikes Purple starthistles
Impact Highly adaptable to a range of growing conditions, displace forage and deter grazing animals, reduce the quality of rangeland and recreational experiences.
More Info
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