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Lemmon’s Needlegrass

Eriocoma lemmonii

Plant Description

Lemmon’s needlegrass is a medium to long lived, relatively short, densely tufted perennial grass with stems that are 20-80 cm tall and hairy below the nodes. Leaf blades are 10-20cm long, flat or rolled inward, and often blue-green in color. The form is spreading to upright and the inflorescence is spike-like, narrow, and pale or purplish in color. Flowers in May, seeds mature by mid-June. Also known as Lemmon’s stipa, Stipa lemmonii.

Plant Details

Life Forms
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Special Uses
Shade Preference
Mature Height 2.5'
Distribution This species is infrequent in the Willamette Valley and Puget lowlands where it is often confined to foothills and south slopes. It is more common east of the Cascades as well as in southern Oregon and California.
More Info
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