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Meadow Knapweed

Centaurea pratensis (aka Centaurea jacea x nigra, Centaurea debeauxii ssp. thuillieri)

Plant Description

An herbaceous perennial in the sunflower family. One to several stems extending from a woody root; bright pink to purple flowers with papery, fringed bracts on the flower heads. Slightly hairy lobed or unlobed leaves in basal rosette with smaller leaves up to 6 inches long along the stems.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 1-5'
Distribution Widespread in Western Oregon and found in northeast, southwest, and central Oregon. Also found in California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Washington
Control Till and cultivate to bury seeds and plant material below 1.5 inches deep and replant with cover crop. Dig or pull plants before seedheads form and repeat every year until plants are no longer found.
Disposal Methods Bag and seal flower heads and dispose of in landfill.
Reproduction and Spread Reproduces from seed and root crowns resprout. Seeds can be carried to new sites by mowing equipment, vehicles, and in moving water.
Introduced Introduced from Europe for livestock forage
Look Alikes other knapweeds, especially spotted knapweed.
Impact Spreads along roadsides, pastures and disturbed sites excluding native plants; difficult to control; threatens wildlife habitat and economically impacts Christmas tree growers. Not palatable to livestock and reduces available grazing forage.
More Info
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