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Oblong or Eggleaf Spurge

Euphorbia oblongata

Plant Description

A showy euphorbia with alternative smooth finely toothed leaves. Produces yellowish-green bracts and tiny flowers.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 3'
Distribution This species has been reported in the Willamette Valley, but is still considered and EDRR species- report it to OregonInvasivesHotline.org iof you see it.
Control Report this plant to OregonInvasivesHotline.org. Do not mow. Wearing gloves, hand pull small infestations when soil is moist, being sure to remove entire root system.
Disposal Methods Seal in a plastic bag and throw in the trash.
Reproduction and Spread Spreads along Waterways and through natural areas. Ejects seeds up to 6 feet away.
Introduced Possibly introduced from California in contaminated machinery in the early 1900s.
Look Alikes Other Euphorbia species
Impact Forms dense stands, outcompetes native plants. Reduces wildlife habitat and resources.
More Info
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