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Phytolacca americana

Plant Description

Unpleasant-scented green foliage, coarse red or purple tinged stems; flowers are erect to drooping raceme lacking petals, large fleshy crown and taproot.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 6-10'
Distribution native to Eastern US. Found in west coast states.
Control Manual or mechanical control should ensure removal of taproot and fleshy crown. Pulling is only useful with small plants. Large plants can be dug up when soil is moist. For chemical control, follow all label directions. Consult an expert for advice.
Disposal Methods Bag and seal ripe berries and dispose in landfill.
Reproduction and Spread Reproduces by seeds (1500-7000 seeds/plant/year). New populations are spread by birds.
Introduced Native to eastern US
Look Alikes Knotweed and elderberry
Impact Toxic to humans, livestock and wildlife when ingested raw or improperly prepare; can form dense stands if not managed.
More Info
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