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Ligustrum vulgare

Plant Description

A semi-evergreen shrub or small tree that can grow up to 20 ft tall, usually around 9 feet. Leaves are opposite and lanceolate with panicles of white flowers from April to June, followed by abundant, less than 1/2 inch spherical black fruits.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 9 ft
Distribution Common across US, especially in the Northeast, inland Southeast, north Midwest, and Pacific Northwest.
Control Hand removal for small populations, being sure to remove all root fragments. Contact your local Extension Service agent for advice on the use of herbicides for cut stems and stumps. Always follow all label directions.
Reproduction and Spread Spread by seeds that are distributed by birds. Can regenerate from root and stump sprouts.
Introduced Originally from Europe.
Look Alikes Other privet species including L. japonicum, L. obtusifolium, and L. sinense. (Japanese, Border, and Chinese Privet)
Impact Form dense thickets and crowd out native shrubs and flowers, decreasing biodiversity.
More Info
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