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Scotch Broom

Cytisus scoparius

Plant Description

A bushy shrub with green ridged branches that are hairy when young and hairless when mature. Bright yellow pea flowers. Fruit pods are flattened with hairs mostly at seams.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 3-6'
Distribution Found along the east and west coasts of the US.
Control Small populations can be dug up or pulled when soil is moist. A weed wrench is a useful tool for wrenching Scotch broom and other woody stemmed invaders and can be borrowed from Marion SWCD.
Reproduction and Spread Reproduces via seeds that can remain viable in the soil for up to 60 years. If choosing to cut down plants at ground level, plants with stem diameters under 2 inches may resprout. Also spreads via contaminated vehicles, equipment, apparel, and grazing animals that are moved from infested to uninfested pastures.
Introduced Introduced from Europe in the 1800s as an ornamental and later used for erosion control.
Look Alikes Other brooms and gorse. French broom blooms before Scotch broom and Spanish broom flowers late in summer when Scotch broom is nearly done flowering. Gorse has spines.
Impact Hinders conifers from reestablishing, invades disturbed sites creating a monoculture.
More Info
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