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Six-Petal Water Primrose

Ludwigia grandiflora ssp. hexapetala

Plant Description

A floating and emergent perennial Aquatic herbaceous plant with alternating spoon-shaped leaves with rounded apices on floating stems and alternating lance-shaped leaves with acute apices on upright stems. Stems are pubescent. Solitary flowers at leaf axils with 5-6 yellow petals. A number of invasive Ludwigia species and subspecies are found in the Willamette and are difficult to differentiate visually. Images shown here may or may not be Ludwigia grandiflora ssp hexapetala.

Plant Details

Life Forms
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height flowering stems can rise up to 3 feet above the water
Distribution Found in the Rogue and Willamette Rivers and their tributaries.
Control Prevention is the best strategy , followed by early detection and rapid response. Report infestations to OregonInvasivesHotline.org.
Reproduction and Spread Often spread as an ornamental for Aquatic Gardens. Spreads by seeds and stem fragments with movement of water, waterfowl, and recreational equipment.
Introduced Native to South America; primarily introduced through ornamental plant trade.
Look Alikes other Ludwigia species
Impact Clogs Waterways, degrades wildlife habitat, negatively impacts water quality and Aquatic recreation.
More Info
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