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Spotted Jewelweed

Impatiens capensis

Plant Description

A large, somewhat succulent annual with spotted orange flowers with recurved spurs. Elliptic to egg-shaped alternate leaves with somewhat scalloped margins and a sharp point. Grows in damp environments and along streams.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 2-5'
Distribution Found in the Willamette Valley and in western Washington state.
Control Hand pull small patches when soils are moist. Repeat annually until seed bank has been depleted. Replant with desirable species.
Disposal Methods If seed capsules are present, bag and seal and dispose in trash. Other plant parts can be crushed and left on site to dry and decay.
Reproduction and Spread Reproduces by seed.
Introduced Spotted jewelweed is native east of the Rocky Mountains.
Look Alikes Other impatiens especially I. ecornuta, I. x pacifica, I. noli-tangere, I. aurelia, and I. parviflora.
Impact Forms a dense carpet and outcompetes native plants; difficult to control.
More Info
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