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Spotted Knapweed

Centaurea stoebe

Plant Description

Short-lived perennial with multiple stems per rosette. Bluish-gray leaves and setms. Flowers are purple; flower head bracts are black-tipped.

Plant Details

Life Forms
ODA Listing
Soil and Moisture Conditions
Suggested Actions
Shade Preference
Mature Height 3'
Distribution found across Oregon
Control Repeated mowing can be effective before the plants go to seed; after this point mowing will spread seeds. Small infestations can be pulled while wearing gloves; the area will need to be moitored and repulled for several years.
Disposal Methods If seed heads are removed, bag and seal and dispose of them in the landfill.
Reproduction and Spread Spreads by seed with contaminated equipment along disturbed sites - Ditches, field margins, railroad lines, etc.
Introduced Native to Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. Maybe have entered US as a contaminant in alfalfa seed as early as 1893.
Look Alikes Other knapweeds
Impact Infestations can increase runoff and erosion and dominate the landscape.
More Info
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