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Native Plants

Native plants are a great choice for hedgerows, gardens, streamside plantings, meadows, woodlands, and more because they provide food and shelter for wildlife and pollinators and are well-adapted to local moisture regimes and soil types. Willamette Valley native plants can tolerate cool wet winters and warm dry summers. They do not require added fertilizers, and rarely need supplemental water after a year or two of summer watering to help them get established. We promote the use of native plants with our native plant sale and other handy resources.

Native Plant Database

Rufus Hummingbird in flight pollinating a red flowering currant plant

Search for native plants in our easy-to-use, image-rich database, filter by habitat type, growth form, and other characteristics.

Helpful Handouts

the front page of the low water use handout

Native Willamette Valley Low Water Use Plants

This 2-sided handout lists trees, shrubs and flowering native plants, their light needs, soil moisture preferences, special uses, mature heights and descriptions.

the front page of the blooming time table

Blooming Time Table of Native Plants

This 2-sided handout lists the boom time range and colors for a selection of Willamette Valley native plants.


Recommended Native Plant Resources

a white lily on a green background


OregonFlora has assembled a comprehensive guide to the ~4,700 vascular plants of Oregon that is shared through their website, the Flora of Oregon books, and their wildflower identification app.

booklet cover with hummingbird sipping from currant flowers

Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards

The native plants for Willamette Valley yards booklet includes 140 plants primarily native to the Portland metropolitan area. The native plants booklet was created by Metro in collaboration with more than 20 partners around the region.

blocks of color across the cover with flower images and the title The Meadowscaping Handbook

The Meadowscaping Handbook

The Meadowscaping Handbook: Designing, Planting and Managing an Urban Meadow  is a compilation of knowledge and “lessons learned” designed as a “how-to” publication to help gardeners, landscape professionals, and ecologists in the Willamette Valley plan, design, plant, and maintain native plant meadows on small urban plots.

Pollinator Plants: Maritime Northwest Region

This fact sheet produced by Xerces Society features regionally native plants that are highly attractive to pollinators and are well-suited for small-scale plantings in gardens, urban greenspaces, and farm field borders, and on business and school campuses.

a great blue heron line drawing above the word Audubon

Audubon Native Plants Database

Audubon Society has created a native plant database in support of birds. Enter your 5-digit zip code to use Audubon’s native plants database and explore the best plants for birds in your area, as well as local resources and links to more information.

green leaves on lighter green background with the words seek by iNaturalist and white leaf

Seek by iNaturalist

Use the power of image recognition technology to identify the plants and animals all around you.

Contact Us

Our staff can answer all your native plant questions.

Sarah Hamilton in the snow with a red head scarf
Sarah Hamilton
Native & Invasive Plant Specialist
© Marion Soil and Water Conservation District. All Rights Reserved.