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Subject: Reforestation Assistance for landowners who need to replant after wildfire.

Were you affected by the 2020 wildfires? Do you need to plant trees? Have you ordered the seedlings you need? If you need to plant trees and have not been able to find seedlings, please fill out this online survey form. Consider signing up to be included in a new program to provide seedlings at fair market prices for landowners affected by the fires.

Due to the wildfires, along with previously planned reforestation demand, availability of tree seedlings and tree planters is expected to be far short of what is needed over the next few years. OSU Extension is working with the Oregon Small Woodlands Association, Oregon Department of Forestry, US Forest Service, and other partners to assess the reforestation need and develop extra capacity to produce seedlings and plant trees.

We want to know who needs trees (and how many) in order to set our targets for aggregated seedling orders for people who have not been able to find trees. We are working on an order for 2021-2022, to be followed by longer range nursery orders to meet expected demand over the next several years.

If you are interested in ordering seedlings through this program please use the survey form to get on our list and we will get back in touch with you to confirm details.

Do you need financial assistance to pay for re-planting burned areas that cannot/will not be salvage harvested?  Under the federal Emergency Forest Restoration Program you may qualify for funding to cover up to 75% of the cost of re-planting some of the areas that burned. The deadline for applications is December 31, 2020. Contact your local office of the Farm Service Agency to apply.

If you have questions, please contact Glenn Ahrens 503-655-8631


Associate Program Leader, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension

Oregon State University | College of Forestry

133 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 | 541-737-7524

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