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Developing a management/conservation plan is a proactive effort to protect the vitality and sustainability of the natural resources on the land. It is also the first step in finding and qualifying for government conservation programs. Management plans can be developed for a number of different resources: forestry, agriculture, soil, water and wildlife habitat. The plan is a blueprint for the future of your land’s natural resources.

Developing a Plan

Identifying what you want to do with the land will help you develop a comprehensive plan. Include the goals and needs your family from the beginning of the process to help you create a plan that will meet future expectations. Even if you currently like the way your land looks, you will need to do something to keep weeds out and the water clean. Property owners are encouraged to consult with a conservation planner from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or the Marion SWCD for assistance in developing a management plan.

Components of a Plan

  • Property owner’s objectives and goals.
  • Aerial photographs or diagrams of the property.
  • Resource information: soil types, potential crop production types, possible stocking rate, wildlife habitat, and water resources.
  • Description of land treatment decisions.
  • A work plan with the location of future and completed conservation practices.
  • Plan of operation and maintenance of conservation practices and systems.

Benefits of Plan

  • Identifies current and potential natural resource problems and assets.
  • Potentially improves land management efficiency and production.
  • Helps property owners comply with environmental regulations.
  • Provides property owners with a better understanding of what is happening on the land.
  • May increase property value.
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