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Weed of the Month: Italian Thistle

marionswcd | December 1, 2023
an 8.5 x 11 flyer for Italian Thistle with four images. Description: annual thistle up to 4 ft tall with deeply incised leaves and spiny wings on stems. Stems and undersides of leaves are covered with cobwebby hairs. Cylindrical purplish to pinkish flower heads that can be either solitary or in clusters. Blooms and sets seed in early summer. Impacts: degrades rangelands and pastures, creates dense stands that are impenetrable to livestock. Management: mowing encourages resprouting. For small infestations: cover with black plastic, dig, hand-pull or till. For larger infestations, tilling or chemical methods are more effective. Always follow all label directions.
8.5 x 11 flyer for December Weed of the Month: Italian Thistle (Carduus pycnocephalus).
a square flyer showing four images of Italian thistle with spiny, winged stems and multiple small flower heads
Square graphic for December Weed of the Month: Italian Thistle (Carduus pycnocephalus).

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Marion SWCD
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